Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Windy Family Photo Shoot

6 Halls + 2 Sermons + 1 Zilly
For once, the whole family was in town (for one day) so my mom organized a quick amateur photo shoot at Sunset Beach. Even though it was right before sunset, the sun was too bright to keep our eyes open for more than 30 seconds at a time and the wind gave our hair a "just stepped into a wind-tunnel" look. It may be a little while before we are all in the same town again so I'm glad we will have these photographs, no matter how disheveled we look. Thanks mama, for making this happen! Enjoy!
This is how most of the shots turned out

Weston's long jump

Daniel and I with the newly weds 

Sister Love

He loves me. haha
Warning: I went a little selfie crazy...Mostly because I wanted pictures with my man but also because it was driving him mad Muahahaha

Even got one of my daddio

Photos taken while I was sprinting away. Mad skills. 

Moments before I was tackled to the ground

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