^^Our one-socked wunderkind
It was good to see something other than the concrete jungle we live in, open up the windows and breath in fresh air. I hope to do more of that here. Vegas has sort of beat us down this week. Not that I have been depressed in life, it's just that this place can really give me the blues. River's halloween costume got lost in the mail (or stolen from our doorstep in this sketchy area) and I am having a hard time getting out and about with a baby that hates the car. I saw a glimmer of hope when an ice cream truck drove by our house the other day (yes, I am that easy to please) but he was driving at least 35 miles an hour. We sprinted after him for blocks, calling out for him, but he didn't pull over. I'm sure the neighbors were entertained but I was ah-noyed. What does a girl gotta do to get a bottle rocket around here? Life is so wonderful and we are so blessed, I don't know why it is so easy for me to lose perspective here. Add it to the list of things I need to work on. But the mountains really cheered me up and we made plans to go to California for Halloween so we have that to look forward to!
^^Is it still ok to wear mom jeans when you are an actual mom or has it lost all irony?
Ok, so it wasn't our most photogenic day but at least it was documented:)
yes mom jeans!!! theyre ok when youre so skinny like you!!!! <3