Friday, October 3, 2014

Rainy Vegas Night and River Turning 2 Months

River turned two-months-old this past Friday and what a special day that was. To be honest, it wasn't really because he became 2 months, as awesome as that was, but because we got to witness his first rain storm (lightning and thunder included). We stood out on our little Vegas porch and watched and listened to the torrential downpour all around us. It was right at sunset and the world had pink-orange hue that made it all feel magical. I'll be the first to admit that I was more gaga over this storm than River was, but in his defense, rain is one of my very favorite things in this world so it is difficult to beat my excitement. The sound did eventually sooth that lil' babe to sleep, so I think he came around. I'd like to believe that storm washed away some of the negativity I have about being in this city for the next while. I feel encouraged to find the beauty here with River on my hip.  

1 comment:

  1. I also have a baby at home and the coolest thing is seeing the transformations, seeing your body growing and changing.
    Todoa desire happiness in the world to the family.
