Monday, November 11, 2013

Denmark and The Little Mermaid

Copenhagen is such a cool city. Per usual, we didn't have the time (partly our fault) to see and do all the thing I wanted but we had some great food and saw some beautiful things. 
^^Oh hey there Platz!

We arrived in the morning for a day off in this beautiful Danish city...Unfortunately, Wing and I both had a rough night trying to sleep on the bus so we took a Zzzquil (those things work!) around 5 in the morning and it hadn't really worn off by the time we got to our hotel. We decided to try and go back to sleep instead of wandering around in a drugged state with only four hours of sleep under our belt (that's the part that is our fault).
We woke up well after the sun went down but surprisingly, we felt great. The band made a plan to do dinner and a movie later that night so we grabbed a quick snack at McDonalds to hold us over and went back to the hotel to watch "Dragons' Den" the European version of "Shark Tank."

We ate Delicious Italian that night. The second best mushroom risotto (with parmesan and shaved truffles) I've ever eaten...and I make a point of ordering it every time I see it on a menu. After that, we went to see "Captain Phillips" in the theater behind our hotel (yay convenience!). I really enjoyed it except all of the Somalian dialogue was translated to Danish on the bottom of the screen instead of English (understandably) so it was a little hard to follow a lot of what the pirates were saying. But we got the gist;)

We went and saw the famous Little Mermaid Statue! It is based after...wait for it....The Little Mermaid Fairy Tale by the Danish born, Hans Christian Andersen. It was small and unassuming (about 4 feet tall) and very lovely. 

                 Fun Facts:
>The statue turned 100 this year (I believe it was completed August 1913)
>It was sculpted by artist, Edvard Eriksen
>He modeled the head after ballet dancer, Ellen Price and the body after his own wife 
>The statue has been vandalized many times, including being painted, the head and limbs being sawed off and the whole thing being tossed in the lake. 
>The Blockbuster by our hotel (yes, it was still in business) had a giant Disney's The Little Mermaid display in the window and I loved it:)

Before the show Ben, Dan, Platz, Wing and I, went to dinner at Kiin Kiin, the only Michelin Star rated Thai restaurant outside of Thailand. It was the fanciest fine dining experience I've ever had. We had the condensed version of the one meal option because the boys had to be back for the show but it was still 12 or so courses. Most of it was beyond delicious and innovative. But there were a couple things that my pallet was just not mature enough for, such as a soy sauce flavored meringue and a savory foam dish. But I could talk about the curry for days! (and I did). My favorite part of the meal was the juice pairing that we got with the meal.So so so so fresh! Apple, plum, white grape and the most incredible ginger ale that I could drink all day long. One day I will figure out a way to make juice like that, because I don't know where I can buy it...
(I'll add pictures when I can get my phone to work!) 

There is a restaurant in Copenhagen called Noma that is currently rated the best restaurant in the world. I didn't know that was a thing but apparently it is and I would love to witness it. I'm sure it costs way more than I would ever spend on food and has a two-year waiting list but a food lover can dream, right?

And then they played an awesome show with full bellies of very rich food.

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