Thursday, November 28, 2013

I'm Thankful For...

For this Turkey Day, we are in Brussels, Belgium. 
Ben has a good friend who lives in town that just happens to be a head chef at a fine restaurant. He was kind enough to cook us a big delicious meal, American style with some French surprises. The meal started out with a tomato macaroon and an individual pumpkin soufflé. I have never had a soufflé or a macaroon before but loved them both, crazy flavors and textures. The main course was more traditional with stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, brussels sprouts and turkey. If you remember, I generally don't like Thanksgiving food. Call me Chandler Bing. But I enjoyed my meal very much. I think it was the fact that their was ethically questionable but absolutely delicious foie gras on top of the turkey. You eat a bite of that with anything and it turns into buttery deliciousness. For dessert we had pumpkin cheesecake (insane), apple tart and praline ice cream. I'd say we did alright.
                               ^^Pumpkin soufflé                                   ^^Apple, cucumber, mint juice

I am thankful for a great many things. Today, I will list a few...
-My family who loves me even when I leave them for months at a time
-My friends old and new that I miss so dearly
-The technology I have to keep in touch with everyone 
-The Imagine Dragons family that is always so welcoming, let me eat their food and take up a bunk in their bus
-My body that miraculously let me dance and perform this year after such a long hiatus
-For the opportunity I have to travel Europe, meet new people and see fascinating things
-For my husband, who makes me laugh, keeps me sane, reminds me how loved I am and likes me enough to want to be around me all day everyday
For that I am grateful.

Happy Thanksgiving from our table to yours! 
And coma

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