Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sick Squirrel...

There has been a bug going around the tour bus.  It hit Wing pretty hard while we were in London. We locked ourselves in the hotel room for 3 days (Thank you Brixton for selling out 3 shows so we could move into a hotel for those days!) so he could rest up. We ordered in soup, watched hours and hours of Modern Family all the while, I loaded up on enough zinc, vitamin C, Airborne and Berocca to kill an elephant. I got cocky. I thought I was invincible. The night of the Brussels show it hit me. Hard. The fever is now gone and I'm doing a lot better but I don't have much to write on from Thanksgiving until now because we have been MIA. 
And since I like to have a photo with every post...Here is a picture from Brussels. In the venue, there was this poster of a squirrel photoshopped standing on a pile of pointe shoes. Weirdest. Thing. Ever. Right? But ironically, Wing calls me a squirrel because of my tendency to be a little spazzy when I am trying to prepare myself for something or get organized. He says I act like I'm storing nuts for winter:) Why the squirrel is standing on pointe shoes we'll never know. The poster was in French. But I'd like to think it was just for me.  

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