Sunday, December 1, 2013


 Woke up this morning still feeling pretty sick but it's been almost a week since we actually went out and did something and I'm going pretty crazy. Thanks Flu. Plus last year when we were in Zurich, I was so sick I couldn't leave the band's green room so I had to make this stay count. We dragged our sleepy bums out of bed and looked out on the beautiful, sunny day from our balcony. How can we not want to go out and seize this day? 
 ^^Love those sleepy blue eyes
^^Snow on the balcony!!!
We took the No. 4 train from our hotel into the old town. The streets were narrow and the buildings colorful. We walked for a short while before we found a spot for brunch. We went with a yelp favorite called "Henrici." The service was slow but the food was delicious.  
 ^Baberham Lincoln
^^Not sure what this is called but we would get it all the time in the freezer department at the Hollywood Trader Joe's and cook it in our 1950's oven (the one where we had to guess the temperature). It was nice to have it in a real Swiss restaurant. Tasted almost exactly the same haha
 ^^Pumpkin soup Mmmmmm
After brunch, we crossed the river and walked up the other side of the river. I drooled while we window shopped all the designer stores. Just as dusk hit, they turn on the Christmas lights. 
^^Pretty nippy, so we bought some gloves at one of the 20 H&Ms
 ^^Want one of these for over my dining room table one day
 ^^Understated. I thought the old lady through it into the ocean at the end of "Titanic"?
^^Some American Christmas classics from some very believable Claus'
 ^^Raise your hand if you are addicted to twinkle lights 
 ^^From what I hear, this is the largest Christmas Market in Europe. It's located in the train station right by the old town. We didn't give it a fair try but in my opinion, Nottingham has got you beat!
 ^^Took this picture for you, Mom. The lady loves her Swarovski!
It had to be 3-stories tall. How much $$ of merchandise is on this tree??
 ^^Mid-yawn on the train ride back to the hotel
 ^^Photo tip: Definitely take pictures of yourself under florescent lights, especially when you are sick and not wearing makeup. It really does wonders for your self confidence:/ 
^^Went in the door on our floor that read "Sauna." No luck finding it but we snagged some fruit Shhh!
^^Cute birdies in the hotel time I'll take a photo before we decide to tear the room apart. 

I may have pushed myself a little to far today with this cold/flu-thingy but I don't regret it. I don't think being cooped up would have done much for me today. We still have tomorrow in Zurich and then we come back next Sunday for a couple days so I hope we can explore the city more. 

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