Friday, September 20, 2013

Indianapolis: Take Me Out to the Ball Game...The Football Game

We had a wonderful few days in Indianapolis. The hubby and I got to go church, a Colts game (in the Owner's box) with the band and spend some time together just the two of us. Exactly what the doctor ordered. The game was so exciting...until the Colts lost:( I surprised myself with how worked up I got but it took me a New York minute to get over it. My highlight of the game was that Stephen Stills of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young (or no Young) was in the box with us. I didn't work up the courage to talk to him but it was awesome to be in his presence. Oh, how I love "Judy Blue Eyes Suite." Everyone in the Owner's box was decked out in royal blue and white except for the Imagine Dragons, myself and Stills, he was wearing all black. Way to be Rockstars guys. 

After the game, we went exploring. Pretty much the whole downtown of Indianapolis is connected by these bridges so we wandered all around the city while staying inside. It was sort of futuristic or maybe it just reminded me of Space Mountain. I bet those come in handy come December.

That night we went on a dinner date to my favorite chain, CPK. Don't judge. We sat outside by a couple horse-drawn carriages but were forced inside when it started to rain. Perfect night with my best friend.
...And then the most awkward picture of me ever.
Show Day:

Old building where they served catering. There was a man riding a Segway inside.

Two of my favorite people.
Angie modeling a fan gift.
 Incredible dressing room mirror that stretched me out to a giraffe. And the pic on the right is the Colts swag I was gifted.

 A good show for hair.

 Tambourine toss. 

He melts my heart. 

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