Sunday, November 24, 2013

London Street Style and Starbucks: My US Embassy

The boys flew to LA for a quick trip to attend and perform in the AMAs and in the meantime I have been getting to know this little town called London.

It's been so nice to be in a room that isn't in a cold venue or a moving bus. The hotel is so comfy and cozy and the first two seasons of Modern Family are on Netflix so I haven't gone out to do as much as I wanted. But luckily, I have three more days in this city once my hunny gets back:) 

Yesterday (when I wasn't hibernating), I summoned all my courage and took the tube by myself for the first time. I was nervous, not to to take the subway itself, but to try and figure out the route on my own. I have been known to be directionally challenged as much as I hate to admit that I am the female stereotype so I was extra cautious and asked the concierge and later the worker at the ticket counter for advice. Of course, it ended up being super simple but I'm still glad I was thorough. (Let's see how easy it is when I have to do multiple train switches tomorrow to meet everyone at the venue in Brixton, wish me luck!).
^^What I carried in my pockets. Classic Tourist
After my successful trip on the Bakerloo Line, I arrived at Oxford Circus. What a beautiful treat it was to see all of the christmas lights draped along all the shops and streets. One problem though... CROWDS. I swear Topshop was filled with more people than Disneyland and Times Square combined. Impossible, I know but I bet I could argue there were more people per square meter walking down that street than either of those tourist attractions. I normally have a way of finding peace in the crowds but it was three in the afternoon and I had not consumed a calorie (or caffeine) and I was starting to see double so I found a Starbucks which you may notice I do often but I have reasons:

         -I feel a little bit like this when I have to eat in at a sit-down restaurant by myself. 
         -It's really cold out here and I like to have a warm drink in my hand while I walk the frigid streets 
         -I know what to expect no matter the country 
         -Most importantly, Free Wifi!!!! No overseas plan so I need to check in on my map and send a                                                   
          quick message to the ones I love

Sometimes, I look to Starbucks as my US Embassy, too far? I thought so.

^^Look who is advertised all over the place!
After lunch and my crazy started to drift away, I started to go in the shops and take in all the people around me. I was struck by how inspiring the London street style is to me. The punk influence, plaid, florals, velvet, hats, beanies, tights, Peter Pan collars, 60s eyeliner, tailored coats and chunky books. I can get in ruts when it come to styling myself especially when I'm living out of a suitcase but after being surrounded by people with a style sense that has such an obvious point of view, I feel inspired to push my own fashion boundaries.

Of course my favorite trend (that is so prevalent here) FAUX FUR. It. Is. Everywhere.
It is my go-to winter fashion item and so difficult to find (done well) in the US. There were about 20 pieces I wanted to scoop up from Topshop, Zara and some of the smaller shops I stumbled upon but I refrained. As much as I'd like to go crazy, I already purchased one fur in Amsterdam and getting more than one fur on this trip seems excessive...but please note, I take all this back if I find something I "must" have by the end of the trip. I did however find a tan hat (pictured below) that I have been looking for and some inexpensive T-shirts and a canvas bag covered in daisies:)
^^My version of London Street style: overalls, plaid scarf, faux fur, rocker boots
The thing I loved most about Oxford Circus was the streets and smaller streets and side streets off of those smaller streets all strung together by Christmas lights. It was a beautiful site to see even if I wish I had my hubby and family there to see it with me.

Long after the sun went down, I made my way to the Tube for the ride home, fresh hot cocoa in hand.

Today has been nice. I got up for brunch this morning with Martin, my favorite Brit and an integral part of the Imagine Dragons crew. We found an Italian place that looked good to us because they had a photo of smoothies on their window. The smoothie was fine but it was the worst sandwich I ever had. It was supposed to be a panini but it was just a microwaved proscuitto sandwich. The meat even turned gray. And that's enough of that.

After that we walked around Regent's Park. It was cold out but the walk was beautiful. Sir Martin pointed the direction of the posh houses of celebrities such as Sir Paul McCartney. In my heart I sang a verse of "Hey Jude."

^^Reminds me of Alice in Wonderland
I hope to make it to see The Royal Ballet at Covet Gardens if we can get tickets to the sold out "Romeo and Juliet." Trying not to get my hopes up but it would be so incredible. And I also hope to make it over to Abbey Road. I hear it is just a mile walk. But first my man is going to perform on the AMAs tonight (AHHHHH!!!!!!!) and then fly back to me.

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